

The review procedure means checking for plagiarism, checking the correspondence between the article's title and the content, and checking the substantive part of the article (more details).

The purpose of peer review is to improve the quality of scientific articles published in the "Scientific Bulletin of Construction" collection by evaluating the submitted materials by highly qualified experts.

The article is analyzed and evaluated by double-blind peer review when both the author and the reviewer remain anonymous.

Each manuscript submitted for publication is evaluated according to the following criteria: - compliance of the subject of the material with the specifics of the publication; - correspondence of the title of the article with the content of the research; - was the goal of the research achieved; - compliance of the text of the article with the defined structure (according to the Requirements for drafting articles); - the quality of the analyzed literature; - whether the material is written in scientific language.

After verification, the author receives an answer as to whether the article has passed the review procedure. If there are corrections, it is necessary to consider them and send a new version of the manuscript. As a rule, the evaluation of manuscripts takes one to three weeks from their receipt date.

In its activities, the editors of the collection "Scientific Bulletin of Construction" are guided by the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Code of Ethics of a Ukrainian scientist, as well as the experience of foreign and Ukrainian professional societies, scientific organizations, and editorial offices.