
  • І.В. Шумаков Харківський національний університет будівництва та архітектури
  • О.А. Гринчук Харківський національний університет будівництва та архітектури
  • Ю.В. Фурсов Харківський національний університет міського господарства ім. В.О. Бекетова


In modern cities, the most expressive influence of man on nature is concentrated and the individual constantly interacts with this environment. Indeed, in order to achieve comfort and material security, society continuously affects the urbanized territories with its activities and its products (technical means, emissions, numerous production), creating anthropogenic dangers, which are mainly characterized by the presence of authorized and unauthorized landfills of household waste; dumps of energy, metallurgical, chemical industry; bulk and alluvial soils; discharge of contaminated effluents as a result of production activities of enterprises; Significant disproportions in the deployment of productive forces that existed for a long time led to the fact that in Ukrainian cities the technological load on the natural environment was 4-5 times higher than the similar indicator of developed countries. With this in mind, there is a need to consider the problems of safe development of construction in conditions of man-made impacts, taking into account risk factors and negative consequences in the subsequent operation of facilities, with an eye to the fact that in recent years there is a need for free places for new construction, the internal predominantly man-made urban areas are developing at a rapid pace.

