
  • В.В. Нікічанов Харківський національний університет будівництва та архітектури https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5913-1043
  • С.В. Чаплянко Державне підприємство "Державний інститут по проектуванню підприємств коксохімічної промисловості" https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0494-141X


бетон, в'яжуче, заповнювач, пластик, поліпропілен, поліетилен, поліетилентерефталат, показники властивостей


Review and analysis of foreign researches, aimed at studying the issue of the use of plastic waste of different chemical composition in the technology of manufacturing concrete of various purposes have been done. Evaluation of effectiveness of the use of plastic waste in concrete in terms of its operational characteristics has been showed the following: partial replacement of cement with irradiated plastic in cement samples showed its advantage in comparison with non-irradiated plastic; partial replacement of fine aggregate with plastic in M25 concrete caused an increasing of compressive strength and split tensile strength; complete replacement of coarse aggregate with plastic in lightweight concrete caused an, on the one hand – in decreasing of compressive strength, on the other – in decreasing of sensitivity to chloride ions; partial replacement of sand with low density polypropylene in M25 concrete caused an increasing of compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength; partial replacement of sand with polypropylene in lightweight concrete caused an, on the one hand – in decreasing of compressive strength, flexural strength, Young's modulus, vapor diffusion resistance coefficient, on the other – in decreasing of bulk density and thermal conductivity; partial replacement of cement with high density polyethylene in M20 concrete caused an, on the one hand – in decreasing of compressive strength, on the other – in improvement of concrete`s consistency and increasing of flexural strength; introduction of ultra-high-molecularweight polyethylene in ultra-high performance engineered cementitious composites made it possible to obtain a composite with high strength and elasticity; partial replacement of polyvinyl alcohol with virgin recycled and treated recycled polyethylene terephthalate in sustainable strain-hardening cementitious composites caused an, on the one hand – in decreasing of tensile strength, on the other – in increasing of compression strength. The environmental and economic feasibility, technological efficiency and perspectivity of using plastic in concrete have been established, since even in case of properties deterioration, these concretes can find wide application.

