

комплекс каналізаційних мереж і споруд, знос, моніторинг, ефективність


Prolongation of operational life and sustainable operation of sewerage networks and utilities of Ukraine is the main issue that needs to be addressed by operating organizations in terms of reforming the housing and communal services system. The study of the operating conditions of the complex of sewerage networks and structures shows that most accidents are caused by corrosion processes, which is approximately 80-90% of the total. The economic component of ensuring the efficient operation of utilities and sewerage facilities imposes certain material obligations for sewerage companies in conditions of insufficient funding of the industry. In this aspect, it is necessary to highlight the monitoring of sustainable operation of the complex of sewerage networks and structures and assess the effectiveness of its implementation. The purpose of the article is to calculate the effectiveness of the implementation of the system of monitoring the sustainable operation of the complex of sewerage networks and structures. Using the methods of economic forecasting, accident rates were calculated and a comparative analysis with previous years was conducted. We note a steady increase in the cost of repairing sewers from year to year, which once again confirms the relevance and timeliness of this study, because all these costs can be reduced through the introduction of a monitoring system. The authors propose to conduct two types of monitoring - periodic, which is carried out 4 times a year and largescale, which is carried out once a year (summer). The calendar schedule of monitoring of threats of accidents of
sewer mines is constructed. It is established that the amount of periodic monitoring will be UAH 388,280. The amount of large-scale monitoring, which is carried out once a year, is 291210 UAH, and the total amount of current costs for the implementation of the entire complex of the monitoring system is 679490 UAH. At the same time, the costs per year compared to the previous period, without the use of the monitoring system and the available costs for the elimination of accidents, will be reduced by an average of 80%.

