


land use, investment attractiveness of land, regions, spatial factor


It has been proven that modern directions and features of land relations at the regional level require a rethinking of approaches to their formation in the context of ensuring the investment attractiveness of regional lands. The purpose of the study is to identify spatial factors in ensuring the investment attractiveness of the lands of the regions. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were solved: to analyze the state and trends of changes in spatial factors; to substantiate the spatial factors of ensuring the investment attractiveness of the lands of the regions. In order to solve the problematic aspects, it is necessary to define and justify the spatial factors of ensuring the investment attractiveness of the lands of the regions, which is an urgent and timely task.

A categorical apparatus for determining the investment attractiveness of the lands of the regions was formed, which is based on a set of interrelated spatial, economic, urban planning, ecological, innovative, security, regulatory and legal factors and modern tools of geo-information systems, methods, models, which made it possible to build a quantitative basis for the development of adoption reasoned decisions regarding the attraction of investments in the field of land relations at the regional level.

As a result of the study, the factors of land formation and use that affect the investment attractiveness of the lands of the regions and build the foundation for the creation of spatial support are determined.  Spatial factors ensuring the investment attractiveness of land at the regional level are determined. The presented factors are an element of a multi-level system of indicators for assessing the level of ensuring the investment attractiveness of the lands of the regions in the context of the development of the integral assessment method.

Spatial factors as an important element of investment attractiveness of regional land use are used in mathematical modeling to establish cause-and-effect relationships and create a basis for characterizing further changes.  This makes it possible to develop scientifically based recommendations for ensuring the investment attractiveness of regional land use.

Author Biographies

Yuliіa RADZINSKA, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department of Land Administration and Geographic Information Systems

Vasyl GOI, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

PhD in Economics, doctoral student, Department of Economics and Marketing

Mykhailo BAHIN, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Getter of the department of Land Administration and Geographic Information Systems

Anna SHTERNDOK, National Scientific Center «Ноn. Prof. М.S. Bokarius Forensic Science Institute»

senior forensic expert of the construction and technical research laboratory

Sеrgii KRYVENKO, FOP Kryvenko S.V.

land engineer


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