


squeezed columns, gauge length, deformed form, making a column in a frame


The coefficient of expansion of the columns, which are used in the warehouse of one-span frames with crane attachments, must depend on the shape of their deformation and the unequal attachment of the columns. At this time, the peculiarity of the current development of the frame is the fact that the most likely objectives can be achieved by only one column in the warehouse. If one of the columns (which has a heavy tap with a vantage) is subject to the maximum influx of constant force at the moment, then the longitudinal column of the same cut allows for the influx of significantly less force. The overall rigidity of the columns in the warehouse frame plays a vital role in the stability of the columns. In a transverse direction, two columns of one span of the workshop are connected by a crossbar into a frame system.

The development of significant plastic deformations in one of the columns does not cause a loss of the column’s strength. The protruding column is becoming increasingly important. The regulation of the efficient operation of columns in warehouses allows for more rational design in accordance with current standards.

The arrangement of the crazy work of unequally attractive columns in the warehouse can be characterized as a refinement of the first form of deformation. Meanwhile, under active pressure, the frame is deformed according to a mixed shape, which in addition to the first appears in the form of warehouses and other types of normative, effective form of deformation in action.

The form of deformation of the frame is stimulated by the following main factors, and, as a rule, does not coincide with the first moisture form and does not predict it. Essentially, the structured combination includes a vantage that stimulates different moisture forms, and a vantage that fits on a similar frame that can be laid out in warehouses that stimulates a variety of moisture forms. The resulting form, due to the resistance of permanent forces in the plastic elements and the elasticity of the material, is a linear combination of warehouse forms and this form can be called mixed. The established principle of independence of action of forces can be distributed on the rod or rod system of storage in the warehouse, where the skin storage force is stimulated by those and other moisture forms.

A method has been developed for assessing the durability of steel-curved columns of steel frames with crane attachments, which ensures the effective operation of differently attached columns in the warehouse and the shape of deformation under the action of active forces. The calculated lengths of the columns, determined for cross-sections with crane loads according to the proposed method, are smaller than the calculated lengths determined according to the standard method by 8-20%.

Author Biographies

Sergii YAROVYY, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

DSc, Professor of the Department of Construction Design

Yurii YAROVYY, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

PhD, Associate Professor of the Theory and Structural Mechanics

Dmitry MAZUR, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Bachelor level student of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering


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