beech wood, bioprotective treatment, bioprotective agents, biostability determination method,, mass loss, treatment efficiencyAbstract
The article covers issues related to biological protection of wood. It is shown that wood, especially chopped (dead) wood is exposed to both external natural factors and the action of various microorganisms. Natural factors, especially ultraviolet rays of solar radiation, change the chemical composition of wood and destroy lignin as the least stable part of wood. Wood is more intensively destroyed by various microorganisms ‒ bacteria and fungi. Wood contains many nutrients - starch, sugar, fats, compounds of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, sulfur, potassium, calcium and magnesium. All of them are an excellent environment for the settlement and reproduction of various microorganisms. It is noted that among hardwoods, beech wood is most negatively affected by microorganisms, especially in the warm period of the year. This wood is a valuable breed from which furniture, planed veneer and various parts and products in the construction industry are made. Therefore, it is very important to keep it intact and attractive for a long time by treating it with bioprotective agents. The purpose of the research is to determine the biostability of beech wood after its treatment with bioprotective agents. An analysis of the biological destruction of wood and the use of protective materials was conducted and it was established that the paucity of data to explain and describe the bioprotection process, the neglect of environmentally safe means leads to the biodestruction of wooden structures under the action of microorganisms. A bioprotective agent based on copper oxychloride, nickel sulfate and soda ash was used in a certain ratio of components. Control and treated samples of beech wood were placed in the prepared soil and after 60 days the weight loss of the samples was determined. Studies have shown that the biostability of beech wood treated with a bioprotective agent is 4.3 times higher than that of untreated samples. The idea of the reproduction of microorganisms in the material and their death has been revealed, which, accordingly, shows changes in the metabolic processes of the vital activity of microorganisms. It has been established that the use of treated surfaces oil-wax and azure reduces the biodegradation process by more than 8 times for untreated samples.
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