


drinking water, chemical, biological, radiation and nuclear pollution, monitoring


Drinking water quality requirements regulate the maximum permissible concentrations of various contaminants to ensure public safety. Methods for testing the quality of drinking water and the frequency of their implementation are determined by the legislative standards governing the activities of water supply companies. The main hygienic requirements for drinking water quality include epidemic and radiation safety, positive organoleptic properties and non-toxic chemical components.

In times of military aggression and conflict, there is a serious threat of water pollution. Military operations can lead to damage and destruction of water infrastructure, such as water supply systems, water treatment plants and other facilities. This may result in the penetration of contaminants, including bacteria, chemicals and other harmful substances, into drinking water sources. Such water contamination can pose a serious risk to public health through the possible spread of disease, transmission of infections and other water-related illnesses. Most chemicals pose problems only when exposed over a long period of time; however, some harmful chemicals that enter drinking water are of concern due to their effects over a short period of time.

A system of monitoring and early detection of threats is an important element for effective response to potential water contamination under martial law. This system should continuously monitor the quality of water at all stages of its processing, from its entry into the water supply system to its distribution. Any anomalies or changes in water quality may indicate potential contamination, and the monitoring system should alert the relevant services and authorities to take the necessary measures.

Identifying potential chemical, biological, radiation and nuclear water contaminants for priority control is critical for the organization and reliable functioning of the monitoring system and early detection of threats in wartime. The task of improving and upgrading drinking water supply systems that pose the greatest risk to public health should be considered a priority.

Once potential threats are identified, the monitoring system can respond in a timely manner, preventing contamination of drinking water and ensuring the safety of water supply systems.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr KOBYLIANSKYI, Scientific and Analytical Center for Water Quality

PhD (Tech.)

Kateryna SOROKINA, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

PhD (Tech.), Docent, Associate Professor at the Department of Water and Wastewater Engineering

Oleksandr KRAVCHENKO, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), professor, Professor at the Department of Water Supply and Sewerage


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