



design, children's playground, residential complexes, urban environment


In the context of urbanization, the origins and main stages of the formation of children's gaming platforms, starting from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day, have been investigated, and the key significance of the game as a systemic factor has been established. Their development. In current minds, starting from the 80s of the 20th century, and the decline of normative influences, a wide variety of children's play areas have been recorded, not only in the courtyard middle of residential complexes, but also in the structure of towns and admixtures of the landscape river activity, and on the days and on the internet 'eras of richly functional huge complexes. The children's play area is examined as a “design space” in the open architectural space of the courtyard of a residential complex or landscape-recreational design. It is clear that the children of the gaming “design spaces” in their own micro-level add not only functional diversity to the vast spaces, but also, with their exclusive design solutions, become their own tractors of the gentleman's life. The main features of “design spaces” have been identified, which may include rich functionality, ergonomics (compactness and proportionality), a high level of comfort (physiological, emotional-psychological) , aesthetic) and technical equipment, obviously, interactivity and intelligence in the design space, the ability to respond to There are different types of drivers and they change depending on the situation and safety. A number of principles have been proposed - complexity, hierarchy, exclusive design, which revolve around such valuable imperatives as the creation of a safe environment for development; directness to maximize the child's potential in the process of play; organization of space that inspires creativity and exudes artistic and functional comfort.

Author Biographies

Iryna LADYGINA, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

PhD (Arch), Аssоcіаtе Prоfеssоr, Аssоcіаtе Prоfеssоr оf the Dеpаrtmеnt оf design of the architectural environment of the Architectural and Art Institute

Alina RUDENKO, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

PhD (Arch), assistant оf the Dеpаrtmеnt оf architecture of buildings and structures of the Educational and scientific institute of Architecture, Design and Fine Arts


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