


park areas, modern trends, green areas


The main principles of park zones arranging in the conditions of modern cities are analyzed in order to determine the optimal approaches to their development and organization, in particular, taking into account ecological, socio-economic and aesthetic aspects. Arguments are given that speak of the importance of observing the rules of zoning of such territories and prove the impact of the presence of properly located park zones on the physical and mental health of people. The most effective strategies for preserving the natural environment and creating a comfortable space for the city's residents have been determined, as well as potential obstacles and problems that may arise in the process of setting up park areas, and suggestions for overcoming them have been identified.

The article provides a comparative analysis of the arrangement of park zones in Mariupol and Berlin. Fundamental differences in the planning of park zones as recreation areas for city dwellers have been identified. Innovative methods of using space, the introduction of eco-friendly materials and technologies, as well as the interaction of park zones with other aspects of urban planning (residential districts, the business part of the city, industrial zone, etc.) to create a healthier, sustainable and attractive urban environment were studied.

The studies were carried out in accordance with the current regulatory documents, which regulate the basic principles of arranging park zones, taking into account world experience regarding location, planning, filling (small architectural forms, monuments, lighting, landscaping) and other aspects. The main criteria for the optimization of park zones are: preservation of the existing priority direction of territory use while increasing the protection regime of individual areas; preservation of green areas and historical integrity of the territory; preservation and restoration of the formed landscape and architectural features of parks-monuments of garden and park art; appropriate territorial ratio of functional zones, organization of care for park territories at the level of local authorities and compliance with rules of use. Arrangements of park and green areas of cities from different countries were compared.

Author Biographies

Vitaliia HARKUSHA, SHEI “Azov State Technical University”

PhD (Tech.), Assос. Prof., Associate professor of the Department of  «Architecture»

Serhiy SIMONOV, SHEI “Azov State Technical University”

PhD (Tech.), Assос. Prof., Associate professor of the Department of  «Architecture»

Anastasiia STARODUB, SHEI “Azov State Technical University”


Veronika TEMCHENKO, SHEI “Azov State Technical University”


Jylia STAVITSKA , SHEI “Azov State Technical University”

Assistant of the Department of  «Architecture»


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