просторова структура, нематеріальні чинники, архітектура, урбаністика, тип міста, потреби населенняAbstract
The article analyzes the main theoretical approaches to understanding the content of intangibles and its impact on urban systems. The analysis of the theoretical basis allowed to state that since the beginning of the XX century, among European and American researchers the architectural environment, spatial systems, urban systems, as well as intangible factors influencing their development are actively studied. Special attention is paid to scientific research of scientists of the first half of the twentieth century. S. Hall, J. Jacobs, E. Howard, T. Garnier and others. Common to their proposed concepts of urban systems was the belief that the space of a city or village could be changed in such a way as to change people and communities, and urban projects should become orthodox and detailed and not deviate from the «only right» way. Although the dominance of the material factor was decisive for these criteria, a detailed analysis of theoretical sources suggests that they have a hidden effect of intangible factors – certain ideological, social ideas, and the urban space should facilitate their implementation. In the second half of the twentieth century. there was a revision of these ideologues, and at the beginning of the XXI century, the reverse processes began to be observed – the flight of city residents. The reasons for the «escape from the city» and changes in people's lifestyles and activities include the fact that residents are increasingly exposed to the aggression of modern urban life, namely: polluted air, lack of light, noise, excessive loss of time in vehicles, etc. Such pressure is affecting more and more people. As a result, contacts between people become more difficult and mental tensions more pronounced. Among the dangerous phenomena is the unrest associated with the growing chaos of the city. The city causes fear and a sense of threat. The negative of these processes is that the cities and centers of spiritual and material culture have suffered the most from social and migration processes, which have almost lost their unique spiritual heritage, language, features of life and local folklore. Modern concepts of urban planning widely take into account intangible factors and qualitative characteristics of the city. The leading concept of civilization on a global scale is the concept of sustainable development, and the concept of smart city (Smart Sity) considers primarily the information, technical, technological and communication aspects of urban development.
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