



activated sludge, flocs, concentration of magnesium, strength, technological characteristics


The performance of sludge and the effectiveness of wastewater treatment in various biological treatment facilities are influenced by the morphological features of activated sludge flocs. Currently, these features are assessed qualitatively through visual inspection, without statistical processing of the data. The article presents the results of quantitative determination of the strength of activated sludge flocs. A computerized method has been created to quantify the morphological characteristics of activated sludge flocs by analyzing sludge micrographs using the ImageJ software. Color and contrast indices were used to quantify the strength of the flocs. Photographs of activated sludge from the work of D. Eikelboom were used as standards for determining strength. In the calculations, we used photographs by D. Eikelboom taken at a magnification of 300 times (100 pixels) and 150 times (50 pixels). A laboratory study of the effect of Mg ions on the properties of activated sludge flocs was carried out when controlling the morphology of the flakes using the developed computerized technique. Examining the impact of Mg ions on activated sludge flocs revealed that higher magnesium concentrations in the sludge liquid result in increased linear dimensions (by 59%), floc area (by 81%) and floc volume (by 275%), but concurrently lead to a decrease in the strength of activated sludge flakes (by 21%). The obtained results in general indicated the positive effect of magnesium ion on the sedimentation properties of sludge in the aerotank-settlement system. A scale for quantitative determination of the strength of activated sludge flocs has been constructed. The developed computerized method enhances the precision and detail of visual evaluations of the technological attributes of activated sludge flocs, enabling the detection of even the smallest changes in the morphological characteristics across different wastewater treatment technologies.


Author Biographies

V. Iurchenko, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

D.Sc., Full Professor, Professor of the Department

S. Tkachenko, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Postgraduate student


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